Homeschooling in New York
Hey guys! Okay, I get lots and lots of questions when I reached out on Facebook asking if you'd like help, so I thought I’d compile your FAQ’s about homeschooling to hopefully shed some light!
**PLEASE HEAR ME: this is just what works for our family in this season. I attended public school, my oldest child attended public school for a year…we are pro-school! 😉 This post is NOT a soapbox or to sway you one way or another. Just a glimpse into what works for us right now. I’m not an expert at this…but I felt lost when I first jumped into homeschooling and if I can help someone else out from the unknown stress, I will happily do so.
Here’s what it’s been like so far:
How do I start the process of homeschooling?
1. Submit a notice of intent.
You must submit a notice of intent to homeschool to the district superintendent by the beginning of the school year-July 1st, annually, or within 14 days of establishing your new homeschool program during the school year.
2. Create your IHIP-Wait, What’s that?
This is your curriculum plan for your school year-due August 15th (or within 4 weeks of your receipt of IHIP materials). Here are samples of IHIPS below:
3. Quarterly Reports.
These are showing the school what you’ve been covering for the school quarter. I simply go through our school/work books and go to the index and write out what we’ve been learning. It’s also very important to include the number of hours you homeschooled and how your child is doing!!
Here is a sample of one of our quarterly reports last year:
4. Homeschooling Regulations.
Please take the time to read! This was very confusing to me at first, but after receiving paperwork from my school district, I put the pieces together and understood what was needed from me. This website listed below helped me tremendously!
5. My favorite homeschool requirement resources:
Breakdown of the homeschooling in CNY:
If you’re still confused, reach out to your school district, reach out to other homeschool mamas, and also, RESEARCH! There are so many resources out there, and so many beautiful people willing to lend a hand. If your one worry is you’re scared to homeschool, don’t be! I promise it’ll all get sorted out and it’ll be worth it.