Homeschooling Resources: First Grade

Grab a cup of coffee/tea, because this post is going to be full of my favorite resources, tips, and how we personally homeschool.

First, let’s talk about my personal experience. After spending hours on YouTube, I fine combed what I felt would work best for My son and I. I didn’t want to make my own curriculum, and knew I wanted an open book and go approach. I was scared I would miss vital learning skills if I built my own lessons, and it seemed too daunting of a task for this new homeschool mom.

So for our first grade year this is the curriculum breakdown I chose and we did use the entire school year:

English: Language Arts Course Set - The Good and the Beautiful

English and math were my two subjects I was most anxious to teach. I wanted open-ready curriculum, that was very similar to public school in case my boys ever enter public school again. I found English was Brody’s hardest subject, so I was even more grateful to have had the good and the beautiful’s guided structure. I fell in love with their math and English curriculums, they are beautiful, thorough, and very teacher friendly!

Handwriting: Handwriting

Another favorite of mine I’ll be using in second grade too.

Science: God’s Design Life for Beginners - by MasterBooks

Another A+ rating for us, I highly recommend this science book! The book was beautiful to look at, the lessons were short but informative, and we loved being able to add supplements like finding similar movies to go with our lessons.

Social Studies: National Geographic Look At Your World

Perfect for our first grade social studies, the lessons were perfect for both boys {4 & 6}.

Health: Safety - by The Good & The Beautiful

Music: YMCA Music Program

Visual Arts: Nature Notebook by The Good and The Beautiful

So fun! I loved using this notebook and we’ll be continuing to use them this year. I printed out two copies for both boys, that way they could express themselves separately.

One of my favorite parts about homeschooling was picking curriculum I felt that worked for us. I chose by highlighting their strengths, and finding fun engaging curriculum. Enjoy the process and enjoy watching your kiddos learn from you, I promise homeschooling can actually be fun for mom and child :)



Homeschooling in New York